Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Ren Faire in Chippewa Falls, WI!

Momma and Bob are big into this "Ren Faire" stuff. They dress up in funny clothes and go to these "Faires". My whippet sisters told me about this when I came to live here - they said they only go during the summer.

I was also told that if it wasn't for "Faire", I would be here! You see, Momma and Bob met a friend at the Faire who happened to have a chihuahua for a service dog. Momma just FELL IN LOVE with her -- and for 2 years bugged Bob to get a chihuahua.

Obviously it worked - cause here I am!

Well, the Faire that Momma and Bob usually go to is Bristol. It is a very busy Faire and they do not allow pets (except service animals of course!)

Late June though, they decided to attend a Faire up in Chippewa Falls, WI and they DO allow pets, so I got to go! They didn't bring the camera (grrrr) cause the battery needs to be replaced - but I DID get to meet Nixie - the chihuahua responsible for me being a Matthews!

I had a wonderful time! I loved walking around - and when I got tired, Momma would carry me. SO many people thought I was so adorable! I was a very good girl and didn't mind at all when people would ask to pet me.

I really wanted to show you a photo of Nixie cause she's so special to me. Momma dug up this photo of her from last year at Bristol....Isn't she beautiful???

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