Thursday, July 17, 2008

OK... so I like to Kiss!

Sequoya kissing BobI can't help myself... I'm a lover dog! I kiss ALL the time! I'm just SO happy to see my people!!! When Momma comes home, it's kiss kiss kiss! When Bob comes home, it's kiss kiss kiss! When Momma or Bob sit down on a chair or the couch - time for kissing!

My favorite time to kiss is when I come in from going "out" in the morning. I get to go out first with Cleo and Isis. Then we go back into Momma and Bob's bedroom while Momma takes the Kamada Girls out (Athena & Pandora). While Momma is taking them out, I ATTACK Bob with kisses!! I'm just so excited... I know that breakfast is coming soon!

My other favorite time to kiss is when Bob comes home from work. He usually changes his fur from his work fur into his "around the house" fur. (I don't get why they take their fur on and off, but hey, it works for them!)

After Bob is changed, he lies down on the bed for whippet and chihuahua time!!!! We all get to say a really good hello after he's been gone all day. I sit right on his chest... sometimes even his throat - to kiss him hello.

One day Bob thought he'd be the funny guy and see how many times I can lick in a minute. Hmmppf! He lost count after 100 licks in one minute ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a lovely kissy girl. Chihuahuas are so loveable. We here at Darling Dinky Dogs want to thank you for stopping by our blog today and leaving a message on Kadie's blog entry. We all miss her so much. We're having some trouble getting our blog off the ground, and my friend said I should do more networking, and swap blog links with people. Would you like to swap links with me? I can add you to my friends blogs if you would add me to yours. I didn't see you have any others listed yet, but it's easy to add to the sidebar. Just let me know. Tail Wags and Puppy Kisses, Carol Jean and her Dinky Dogs.